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Procedure to correct the fall or ptosis of the breast and the reduction of the size of the mammary gland.

The amount of breast tissue changes proportional to weight, pregnancy, and hormonal changes. The ligaments and the duct system in the mammary gland will stretch and the breast goes down. There are multiple causes for which breast hypertrophy occurs. On the one hand there are hormonal factors at the time of the woman’s development or after breastfeeding, thus constituting large breasts; in some genetically they present an exaggerated growth of the breast, gigantomastia. Another factor to consider is obesity that conditions an increase in fatty tissue in the mammary gland. In all cases the breast adopts a lower position in the chest wall thus losing its youthful appearance. In some patients the size of the breast may have repercussions on the back presenting pain. However, to arrive at this diagnosis, other frequent causes of back pain such as obesity, poor posture, muscle weakness must be ruled out.

It should be clear that the reduction in size is limited by the risk of altering nipple irrigation. Your Plastic Surgeon will evaluate your health status, your important medical history and your breasts. Discuss all the expectations you have regarding surgery. If you consume aspirin, anti-inflammatories, vitamin E, have spontaneous or prolonged bleeding, tell your doctor, it is important to avoid complications in surgery. The consumption of cigarettes or corticosteroids can decrease the vascularization of the skin, favoring that it suffers or does not have good circulation and is necrose, that is, that it dies turning black. This is why it is important to suspend them 2 weeks before surgery, if you cannot suspend or decrease the dose of corticosteroids, it is better to postpone the surgery.

Breast reduction has objectives such as relocating the areola and nipple to a higher position and improving breast shape. The reduction mammoplasty seeks to locate as well as possible the scars that are necessary to organize the skin that is left over when removing the gland. It will have an inverted T-shaped scar in which the horizontal portion is hidden at the level of the submammary groove and the vertical portion at the bottom or L-shaped pole, according to the technique chosen The surgery lasts between 3 and 4 hours, it is done under General anesthesia. It can be done outpatient or hospitalized according to each patient.

The surgeon can leave drains that will be removed within 24 to 72 hours. You should use 24 hours a day and 1 month flannel bra, sporty to model your breast while healing internally, which will limit the pain. The stitches will be removed after 14 or 20 days.

Reduction mammoplasty is a safe procedure compared to others. There are effects associated with surgery, the most common problems are: Hematoma: (Rare) It is recommended that the patient should rest for the first two days to avoid bleeding from physical exertion. Pain: which is controlled with medication. Infection: if it occurs it may be by the first week, the antibiotic prescribed by your Plastic Surgeon limits the possibility of presenting this. Asymmetries: This surgery will not only lift and / or decrease the volume of the breasts but will try to balance these asymmetries. The final results will depend entirely on your tissues and your healing. It is also frequent that you may require another resection if you find that your breast size is still large.

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Dr. Juan Esteban Vargas
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