Liposculpture, aspiration lipectomy, lipolysis, lipoclasia.
The fatty deposits in the body are aimed at reserving energy and protecting bone prominences. These are distributed according to a pattern that are genetically predetermined. In general, women make more peripheral fatty accumulations; that is, in the hip and abdomen, in the android pattern, men, the fat deposit occurs intra-abdominally. The ideal candidates for liposculpture are those who have these peripheral fatty accumulations. They must have an adequate skin tone because otherwise the skin may not adhere properly. If the skin is very flaccid secondary to stretch marks, it may require a lipectomy of the indicated area. Liposculpture is NOT a procedure for the management of obesity. On the contrary, it must be associated with changes in eating habits and an exercise program to strengthen and improve aerobic capacity.
It is important to inform your Plastic Surgeon about the use of medications (contraceptives, aspirin, thyroid hormone replacement, etc.) as well as diseases (phlebitis in the legs, digestive disorders, recent flu conditions, endocrinological alterations or your general health etc. ) that may influence the procedure. Your plastic surgeon will give you a series of pre-surgical instructions about the foods you should eat. If you smoke, avoid it at least 2 weeks before surgery. It should not be exposed before and after surgery to the sun as this favors inflammation and accumulation of pigment in the scar.
Avoid lying down (or), walk a little frequently and take a deep breath from the chest to avoid pulmonary complications (accumulation of secretions and infection). The abdomen is inflamed, you will feel discomfort that is controlled with analgesic medication. Your plastic surgeon will recommend a lycra girdle and schedule the removal of stitches and drains. You can return to your daily activities by the 1st to 2nd week and progressively present the full recovery. During the first 3 months the scar will be thick and red, with proper management it will improve its appearance. The final result of this can be seen after 6 months.
Risk of postoperative complications such as seromas, bruises and infection that can be controlled with the use of antibiotics, massage and drainage. Once you get a new appearance of your body contour your physical appearance will look better, in most cases the result will be excellent and will be maintained for a long period of time as long as you have the proper dietary care and exercises.
Are you interested in this intervention?
Contact me to schedule your assessment appointment.